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Non Resident Form

Please fill out this form if you live out of the Abilene Public School boundaries, but are wanting to attend school in Abilene.  Click here to fill out & print the Out of District Transportation Form. This form is required for Non Resident parents of USD #435 requesting transportation for the current school year.

USD #435 Application for Non Resident Admission

The USD 435 Board of Education has determined the capacity available in each grade level in each school building of the school district for the upcoming school year.

The number of open seats available to nonresident students in each grade level for each school building can be found on the district's website at




Priority Enrollment Criteria Questions


Good Standing Determination Questions









1. If the number of applications for the grade level and school building referenced herein is less than the number of available seats for that grade level in the school building, an eligible nonresident student deemed in good standing will be accepted for enrollment and attendance at the school district for the current school year and will be permitted to continue enrollment and attendance in the district, unless such student is no longer deemed by district administration to be in good standing. 2. If the number of applications for a grade level in a school building referenced above is greater than the number of available seats for the grade level in the school building, district administration shall accept students in good standing based on priority enrollment status first. If capacity remains after accepting priority enrollment students, the administration will randomly select nonresident student applicants deemed to be in good standing for enrollment using a confidential lottery process that will be completed on or before July 15 of each year. 3. If applicant is not a resident of Kansas, enrollment may only be considered if applicant’s parent or person acting as a parent is an employee of the district, applicant is a homeless student and this is the applicant’s district of origin, or if capacity remains after the district has completed its nonresident selction process, the student is in good standing, and district administration opts to allow out-of-state students to enroll. 4. If applicant is not accepted for or is denied enrollment at the district, the district will provide notice to the parent or person acting as a parent of the nonresident student or the adult or emancipated applicant of the reason for the nonacceptance or denial and an explanation of the nonresident student selection process on or before July 30 of each year. 5. If there is no capacity at the applicant’s preferred school, and the application states enrollment in a school other than the preferred school will be denied, the district will deny the application due to lack of capacity. 6. If the application is accepted, applicant’s enrollment may be discontinued if it is discovered applicant or applicant’s parent or person acting as a parent provided false or fraudulent information in the application process. 7. The district shall not be required to provide transportation to nonresident students unless otherwise required to do so by applicable law. 8. If accepted to enroll in the district, applicant shall not be exempt from the requirements of the Kansas State High School Activities Association (KSHSAA) regarding eligibility to participate in KSHSAA activities. 9. This application process and the board policy authorizing it does not apply to any virtual school run by the district or any school located on a military installation.

By signing below, I attest that all information provided in this application is true and accurate, to the best of my knowledge.



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